



timeless. intimate. authentic.

strokes photography

Our Signature Wedding Album | Strokes Photography

We’re always looking for ways to enrich our couples’ wedding experience, and to offer them new ways to view and cherish their beautiful wedding photos.

The latest addition to our products is this gorgeous, luxurious flushmount album which takes the traditional wedding album into a contemporary realm.


This album is now included in two of our wedding packages (the Van Gogh and Picasso), and comes with 30 sides (of course, additional sides can be added as needed). You can also buy one all by itself, starting from only $700.

Bound by hand by our artisan printers, these are essentially your wedding photos printed onto thick core pages and materials from Italy, and put together to stand the test of time. The open and lie flat, with nary a space in between pages to give you a continuous feel of a photo that bleeds across the full length of the album.

With digital media now feeling ever more fleeting, we like to think of these albums as heirlooms to be passed on from one generation to the next.

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