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Mandy & Gurdeep’s Same Day Wedding Slideshow | Big, Awesome Sikh Wedding

Mandy & Gurdeep got married in a beautiful sikh wedding just as we were seeing the first blossoms of spring in Toronto. While we still wait for a full blown spring here in Canada, this couple decided to bring the colours to us early. Check out the rich, bold colours of their wedding. This slideshow was played at the beginning of their reception.

And at their request, we also included some of their super-cute baby photos! And some photos of their engagement shoot that we did during the winter at King Edward Hotel in Toronto and Kariya Park in Mississauga. Their wedding ceremony took place at Dixie Gurdwara, after which we all scuttled off for some photos at the now-historic BAPS Temple in north-west Toronto.

Mandy & Gurdeep’s Sikh Wedding – Same Day Edit Slideshow from Dhruv and Jo on Vimeo.

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